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Yesterday, it was raining very heavily...before that, I accidently dropped Pauline's water bottle, which made all the water spill out. Yup. All that Science reference book's fault. She knew it was me, so she stared at me like a...ummm....very hard to say laa... Then, all our classmates atart to say taht she juz...u noe wad la...So, I started running downstairs with Tang Tang just to get a mop. Then got up again, we saw our Sejarah teacher, Cikgu Ibrahim. Then, I mop lo...the teacher still at the stairs. (The footsteps very load mahh...can hear lo) After finish mopping, I dragged Tang Tang with me to go put the mop. Then rushed back upstarirs just to see the teacher teaching. Hehe....I told Pauline that I will help her go and fill her water bottle with water again. At the same time it was raining very heavily. I used shortcut, the one that the guys use...hehe.... When we got there, we have to cue up lo...luckily I saw Tom (former classmate) I called him to give up go at it first. Ladies first mahh... I told him. He dun wan we wait. Haiz... She have to for her Science Quiz, the one from Austrailia. After she go for it lehh....Pauline came back....crying. That Desmond call me to pujuk her hard u noe. then the teacher come, asked her wad happened. They were all speaking in mandrin, to me it is hard to understand. after they finished bincang, I went to sit beside her, because that is where i'm sitting. I ask her lo, about wad happened. She said that, she cannot take the test because Alex wouldn't let her. The Science teacher forgot to tanda Alex's name, and she asked Alex to pick whether he wants Pauline or him to take the test. He said he wanted so, Pauline have to go back to class and study with us lo. Like that laa...She also told me, "I will NEVER forgive him!!"
Sweet words are easy to say,
Sweet things are easy to buy, but
Sweet people are difficult to find.
Life ends when U stop dreaming
Hope ends when U stop believing
Love ends when U stop caring
Friendship ends when U stop sharing
To love without condition
To talk without intention
To give without reason and
To care without expectation is
The heart of a truefriend~~
--------------------------------------------------'s almost true eh? Hehe...juz came back from PJK. Go Bleep Test, neh...the one that u have to run 20 metres front and back...I ran until 5.5....not bad rite?? Hehehe...Must presevere until u have no breath...that's what I do and I think that it is true (for me). Really hard to breathe when reach level 5 oledi. Desmond only sampai 5 sumthing...but I noe I beat him laa...haha!! That guy tall beat by sumone shorter than him! HAha...memalukan...
My bro wanna play football with me at home. So I agree lo. I take the ball and 'tambah angin' in it. Then I say, since our house livin' room is quite small, I change the rules a bit. Now it's like Forward vs. Goalkeeper. Take turns la. Played for one hour. He everytime tak puas hati arr...when my score reach 40-21 he marah me and say that we start again. So play again la. Then, I say almost time to stop oledi. Masa tuu...the score is tied, 11-11. He told me that first person scores win. I say no. One person gets one turn to try and score. I goalkeeper I use hands la. He say I cheated you noe! So, when it's my turn to shoot, the ball went in. Which makes the score now 12-11. Win la kan? He told me that I hit the rubbish bin fall down, is out! Haiz...the rubbish bin walked i think. if not why tiba-tiba so close at our pitch? Quarrel quarrel lo. I say: WhahahH....not admitting. HE say: NO!! You play cheat! It went on until I juz say I wanna go bath first. Then he also wanna main rebut the bathroom also. Sheesh...of cos I got in first. He so fat and far. I'm oledi in the bathroom. Our house got two bathroom hoh...he dun wan to use tat... dunno why. Hehe...Din go for karate last week. Have to go the Hari Bermuafakatan of Parents-Teachers Day. Haiya...parents wajib datang mahh....juz to get the report card. I go at 9.00am, just after finish watching anime at the tv. The sejarah teacher say to my mom: Your her mom? Ummm...your daughter very alert, gives a good reponse, concertrates well in my class...and bla bla bla la... Then, he even told my mom that all the studets in 1K have potensi become lawyer when they grow up.
On Thursday, our group (Ho, Azah, Bernardine, Mabel, Pauline and I) have to do a pembetangan. Title of it is, "Kenapa Perempuan Mendapat Keputusan Cemerlang Yang Lebih Daripada Lelaki?" Even before starting, all the guys start to "boo! boo! BOO!!" When we finished lerr...they all start to ask questions like..."Kenapa lelaki kamu kata lelaki" bla bla bla and summore stoopid ques... Then dunno why...the teacher go out, and our debate is still on! People stared screaming and shouting and banging the tables..Very uncontrolable...until our penyelia petang came in with the rotan and ask why the class so noisy and all. All just went quiet. Very quiet....then our KH teacher also there cos after BM is embarrasing larr that time...Heheh....