Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Today is the 2nd of July. I meant to post yesterday but I couldn't log into my blogger. Anyway, I was just a little sick yesterday, so I slept early (at around 8.30p.m). Today when I got up, I think it got worse. I dunno...I guess I've been overworking this past few days. When I get to school today, I feel like I'm going to relief myself from prefect duties until tomorrow. But I can't; there is a meeting today...I hate them. It's so boring. I don't think it's serious, just the typical nose block, sore throat and a little fever. Still feeling a little light headed though...heh... I rarely get sick these days, but people had to get sick, right? [._."]

SMK Methodist Shito-ryu Karate Club is still quite new; so far only 7 guys and 3 gals (including myself) joined. I still haven't get my gaji yet...*wondering wad's going on*... Another gal requested for the form on Saturday, hopefully she can get more students. My assistant, John, kept on calling me (...arhem... the instuctor) to get more ppl. Haiyooo...if they dun wan to join then how can I force them lehh?? Stoopid!!

Okay, lemme see...all the seven guys tat joined karate are from the morning session (form 5 mostly) while all the gals are from the afternoon sessions... Cool? I dunno, I just like to bully them...[^^] (...sah instructor yg. sot...[^^"] The guys are going to take their first up-grading this August (I think)...the gals? I dunno. Yvonne still need to get the money (RM25, I tell you. She still hasn't pay for the monthly fee). The other two are still new, so it's up to John to handle them.

Pra-SUKMA selection is still a month away, a total of 4/3 gals (Lee Lee, Cleo, Theo and most probably Yvonne) and 4 guys (Soon Lieng, Samuel, Khamarul and Radzi) are representing Sibu. So...wish gud luck, ok? Me sakit badan bcos tat Yvonne so kasar when training. Mentang-mentang in skool she also like to sparring wif me...[>.<]


Haha...long time no post in this blog oledi...just got reminded by Ashley. Anyway, me very busy now...reli reli busy. Got so many projects to do: Sejarah (Sejarah Sekolah), Geografi (Sumbangan Kegiatan Ekonomi Terhadap Pembangunan Kawasan), BM (Have 2 write 43 essays about the isu-isu popular...[._."] and write a syarahan (in groups) about...anything you want...^^) and most probably KH (have 2 do the pemasangan those stuff...)

Then, this coming August (8th to be exact), Shito-ryu Karate Do (Sibu Branch) will be going for the Pra-SUKMA selection in Kuching. Yupp...n then there will be another interschool tournament in Sibu which will be held at Everise (Medan Mall)...x.x Shoot. I guess it will be somewhere at the carpark...heh...

...How the heck am I going 2 finish all of them before the thrid semester...?? Guess being a form 2 student studying in a good class can be a bad thing as well as a good thing... Hah, wad do I care: imposibble is nothing! ><