Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Haha...long time no post in this blog oledi...just got reminded by Ashley. Anyway, me very busy now...reli reli busy. Got so many projects to do: Sejarah (Sejarah Sekolah), Geografi (Sumbangan Kegiatan Ekonomi Terhadap Pembangunan Kawasan), BM (Have 2 write 43 essays about the isu-isu popular...[._."] and write a syarahan (in groups) about...anything you want...^^) and most probably KH (have 2 do the pemasangan those stuff...)

Then, this coming August (8th to be exact), Shito-ryu Karate Do (Sibu Branch) will be going for the Pra-SUKMA selection in Kuching. Yupp...n then there will be another interschool tournament in Sibu which will be held at Everise (Medan Mall)...x.x Shoot. I guess it will be somewhere at the carpark...heh...

...How the heck am I going 2 finish all of them before the thrid semester...?? Guess being a form 2 student studying in a good class can be a bad thing as well as a good thing... Hah, wad do I care: imposibble is nothing! ><

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