Wednesday, April 12, 2006


My bro wanna play football with me at home. So I agree lo. I take the ball and 'tambah angin' in it. Then I say, since our house livin' room is quite small, I change the rules a bit. Now it's like Forward vs. Goalkeeper. Take turns la. Played for one hour. He everytime tak puas hati arr...when my score reach 40-21 he marah me and say that we start again. So play again la. Then, I say almost time to stop oledi. Masa tuu...the score is tied, 11-11. He told me that first person scores win. I say no. One person gets one turn to try and score. I goalkeeper I use hands la. He say I cheated you noe! So, when it's my turn to shoot, the ball went in. Which makes the score now 12-11. Win la kan? He told me that I hit the rubbish bin fall down, is out! Haiz...the rubbish bin walked i think. if not why tiba-tiba so close at our pitch? Quarrel quarrel lo. I say: WhahahH....not admitting. HE say: NO!! You play cheat! It went on until I juz say I wanna go bath first. Then he also wanna main rebut the bathroom also. Sheesh...of cos I got in first. He so fat and far. I'm oledi in the bathroom. Our house got two bathroom hoh...he dun wan to use tat... dunno why. Hehe...

Din go for karate last week. Have to go the Hari Bermuafakatan of Parents-Teachers Day. Haiya...parents wajib datang mahh....juz to get the report card. I go at 9.00am, just after finish watching anime at the tv. The sejarah teacher say to my mom: Your her mom? Ummm...your daughter very alert, gives a good reponse, concertrates well in my class...and bla bla bla la... Then, he even told my mom that all the studets in 1K have potensi become lawyer when they grow up.

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