Tuesday, May 30, 2006


PerfecT!! I oledi have the PS2 in my grasp...yesss!! Now I can it anytime I wan...MuahahahahH!! Keep on playing .hack Part 4: Quarintine. Can raise 1/2 pig and 1/2 horse...then can kill mutated trees and so on. I'm playing as this guy, Leonard(I create the name), accually I wanna put Lean at first, but the person I'm using is a GUY...putting a name like
that doesn't suit him at all... HAaaa....siaw...playing the saame game over and over again seems boring. Then I switch to Tenchu: Warth or Heaven...I alrady pass 3 levels...now...the fourth one, you have to defeat spirits...and the worst thing is that: your normal weapon cannot harm the undead. How hard is that? Well...some of them can spit fire...some can see farther than humans...and some can even ching chang you lahh....Very hard. Have to go to some cemetery just to help my boss: Lord Gohda to get his Yoto Swords.... Why can't he juz call me to slay the onethat is threatening him! No brains...haha...

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Yay~ Holidays is here!! WooHOOO!!!

Yessss!! Holidays is here...tomolo laa..hehhe...can't wait to get the PS2 back...really wanna play it over and over again. Then go on9...chat like mad...and...have fun laa...

Gemini (Air Sign)(22 May - 21 June)
The sign of the twins. Gemini's are usually bright and quick witted, the old adage of two heads being better than one ?. They do enjoy making use of their intellectual talent, be that at work or play and most have either a creative streak or an interest in the arts, but their eagerness to complete more than one task at a time means that nothing gets done.

Ooooo....i'm really not sure bout' that one....haha!! Almost everything is true there....mungkin true ohhh....har har! Only I know about dumex's secret, kinda hard to keep it, but have to keep my word....'Dun tell ANYONE!!' Very hard to follow that prinsip but...if I break it...bencana will come.....no WAY I want that to happen!! Then...if bencana come...no more PS2 lo...computer gone...ish!! NO WAY!! BANTAH 100% ++

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Parents' day...

On 27th May is parents day....I don't even know that such day exsits! Ooohh...ketinggalan zaman... So...Girls Brigade got do some persembahan for parents laa...i'm in it too...so is Chan and Keldi (they one group wif me) Some do singing, others do dancing and so on... All dedicate to parents... So....our group (Chan, me and Keldi) did singing...we wanted to do 'Wake Me Up When Septermber Ends' by Green Day, cos Chan is a no. 1 fan for them...I hardly noe them though...hahah... Then...I told Chan that our other group member (Janice) cannot come for the persembahan. So, on Thursday, we changed the song to 'Wind' by Akeboshi...yupp...from Naruto...hahaha...quite fun while performing it...cos' i'm sitting and Chan and Keldi were standing and singing with me...^.^ All the gals that watch Naruto knew it was Naruto laa...so simple...plus this song has a very nice meaning and melody. Best of all..it's way better then 'Wake Me Up When September Ends' 'cos it's more lively than the other one. Wake Me Up..bla bla bla...was very boring and it felt like dying...har har har.... Not bad laa...received quite a clap at the end...so FUN!! I saw Ruth's head (my senior) peeping out from her seat...hahhah!! Then when all is finished, all went outside to eat!! Yay~~ we get to eat too!! ^.^ Very nice...mmmm..taste's gudd!! But, sadly, Chan and Keldi are leaving Girls Brigade and are going to join PBSM...so, it's like a farewell party...anyways, were still fwens and there is still Janice in there...hopefully she doesn't leaves me too... I really don't understand Mandrin, well, only a bit...haha...really need a translator...but no need to bayar gaji laa...hehe...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Let's Get Things Started!

Okay....last Sarturday I went for this Karate Tournament at the dojo, near Regent Hotel. We vs. with SMK Jalan Oya....then got, SMK Chung Hua and SMK Tiong Hin. See!! SMK Methodist still not in!! Haiya! Don't believe it! Anyways....I got three Gold...ooohhh....yeah...three! One for basic (Kehon), another for Kata Open and the last one is for Kumite 16 and below.....yeah....I'm the youngest there....hehehhee...pangkat pun tinggi jugak....har har har... The Kumite one rite....sial arr....after 2nd round my leg (near the ankle) start to bengkak man!! ShooT!! Susah to walk arr...paling teruk all the guys start to come up and see wad happen...busybodies...one of them fanning me, siaw....not to mention I....haiz...nvm... So, they sambung the match for tomolo.....When tomolo oledi lehh....(Sunday) after go to church have to go to Karate again, for the finals and semi-finals....then make it to the finals with an ankle strap....hehee...lucky me,...vs Oya u noe....she lihai in kicks.....i juz block and hand 2 hand combat.... So...for short...it was quite easy....the scores were 6-2. Hehe...I noe.... Lucky rite? Then the next day, was BM2 test....shoot! I forgot to study u noe....no time! Because in the morning I was busy playing '.hack Quarantine Part 4'...nice game that one....ooohhhh...cannot stop playing!! RPG game laaa...hehhee....When the test almost began, I read through only for the tema and persoalan part.... I was really hoping that the tema and persoalan come out...and IT DID!! Yay~ So lucky...but when the 3rd and 4th persoalan, I suddenly went blank...I don't even know what crap I wrote in there...hehehhee...As long it fills the page, it's good to go.