Wednesday, July 26, 2006

New game...

Kay...just came back from PJK. Played badminton lo. Then masa PJK the teacher say we can do anything we want. Yay~~ So, we tried bola tampar use, Pauline likes to jump but can never reach the ball. So, devise new plan. Ashley and I was playing this 'game' first. Using the bola tampar as a 'football'. Well, the volleyball is like cushion. That's why it's more safer to play, not like the FOOTBALL. Then, Ngu Qui Min join first, wit me and Ashley lo. Then comes Pauline and HAnnah. After that leh, accroding to order(agak-agak): Yvonne, Loh Zhe Eng, Ellyisia, Shirley, JOy and another one is from other class, dunno wad name.

Haiya! The ball can really fly! I hit Shirley;s face with the soft volleyball. Yvonne banyak kali kena belasah, then PAuline kena belasah oleh Hannah. Me kena belasah oleh Ashley...short said it's very kelam kabut. Haha...but nice to play! Ellysia belasah the 'EXIT' sign, got reatk a bit oledi. Loh leh, kick the ball flying outside. AShley banyak kali act like monkey. But plaing best is when it's kelam kabut. U dunno where the ball goes. Fly up, hit the walls, lantun back. Hehe...

Monday, July 24, 2006

Comparisons...hate em'... arr...the penyelia petang asked me and sardine and Azah, what class are we from. Say 1K lo. She say leh: 1K last year very quiet, unlike this year. I thought wanna compare classes arr?? Then, sardine say leh: We'll try to be better... Then P.P continue lo: I meant noisy as in they scream alot. We also don't want our students to be so silently dumb. She walked away after that. How dare they main compair compair wan...almost every year, the class i'm sitting in noisy la, cos i'm noisy..haha...that's why i hate comparing. I aslo hate it when they start asking me to compare sumthing...LAme.

Anyways...last Fri, I dun come to skool cos i need to attend this 'raptai' for Perhimpunan Beila sumthing sumthing. Got Taekwando, Wushu, Silat and KArate lo. On Sat leh...real day. Many students come. Methodist arr, got Tung Hua and some other skools...dunno wad are they doing there. When nampak the VIP leh, we start doing wad we're suppose to do lo. Nasib the other lady (KArate too), almost do salah but then pull back. Phew...she's at senior belter too.

Selection for representing S'wak for Seni Mempertahankan Diri 2006 in Penang will be on the third week of August. Skool holiday kah that time? Not sure. THis time Amelia says that if kata got GOLD, she chia me cola. If Kumite got GOLD, chia keropok least got sumthing to hope for. Harap not basi only laa...

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Story request needed...^^

okay...Arina says she very borring and wanted to read story or wadevar. So, i was wondering, wad kind of story??

Hehe, this morning, i hav to wake up at 6.45a.m juz to watch the last episode of Onegai Teacher!...very nice...^.^, too bad it's finish now. Then, at aroung 9.00a.m, I went to Dewan Suarah to do demo for sumone...(dunno whos the sumone, all i noe that he is someone very important, a.k.a VIP.) Yeah, got KArate, Wushu, Taekwando and Silat. Hehe, we also get sumthing to eat.

Really, there's nothing nice to write. That's all

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Dylan the Fisherman (Fiction)

KAy...i really dunno wad to write...juz for fun...(No kaitan with the dead or alive, get it Dylan...i noe ur're reading this)

Once upon a time, there was this guy named Dylan. Kay, he likes to eat sardines, with tomato sauce. (Ya...i mean the fish...) Being a fisherman and the husband of three boys, he juz like to eat. Everyday, he would go to his 'secret pond' juz to eat his sardines, or fish for some.

One NIGHT, he fell asleep beside the lake. (did I mention that he likes sleeping too??) At around 12.00p.m, fireworks were fired! *bang boom wadevar* YEah...fireworks... He thought that World War Two has juz repeated itself. (Haha..he was from dunno wad era..) So, he went back home and told his wife: "Sayang! Quick get up!! War is going on!!" Quickly the wife get her baseball bat and start to attack him because he came back really late. He thought that his own WIFE was on the enemies side. His sons are still sleeping, and he thought that they are DEAD...-.-"

So from that day onwards, he learnt his lesson not to trust anyone else.


I repeat, this story is for fun, and has no kaitan with the DEAD or ALIVE. I stinks...but i'm really bored. Hate to study for KH. (Yeah, Dylan...there are many people name DYLAN in this world, so don't think that i'm writing bout you. ^.^)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Frequently asked questions...

Questions asked by people(some):
q: U crazy kah?
a: Maybe, but overall...i'm cool...

q: Theo!! Follow me buy sweets can??!!
a: It's time to go in laa...

q: You're funny...
a: Wow..*speechless*

Questions asked by me before...
q: Pauline!! First u say u own the shop, now u say ur mom owns it??!!
a: Oppss!!

q: (to ashely) How's life?
a: Why the same question??!!

q: (to ashley, mainly) What u doing now?
a: Nothing.

q: (to dylan) What u doing now?
a: Sumthing.
Kay, i've just recieve news that Shun Ming@Wilson is at Penang now, taking nursing courses. Wow...haha...wad r nursing courses? Hehe...well, Arina told me tat. She also say that there might be a 50-50 chance tat I will see him. And if i do, she call me to box him...Yeah!! Still haven't give my casset! I'll kill him if i saw him...hehe..jkjk....

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Karate classes...

Have to go...if not, I forgot everything later. For karate disipline, I might be representing S'wak to Penang. Yupp, and selections are THIS MONTH!! Very soon...i noe...but Amelia say if I get gold...she chia me Cola...^.^ Jadikannya sebagai dorongan...haha. Cola only hoh...drink la, at least better than nothing. Haaa....skool very busy now, got so many projects to do. Sejarah, Geography, P.Moral (do drama) and summore la...(very sure of it) -.-" Then I have to take care of the dog, a Rottweiler. Still puppy laa...but likes to bite things. He also likes to bite my bro..^.^ Serves him rite...haha!

Okay....wad else? Now masuk bulan July oledi...baru last week got Prefects Meeting. Topic is: 'Prefects are GETTING WORSE every year. Why?'. Yeah...why? Dunno, this is my first they focus more on the Form 2 prefects. Stuff bout, what are you suppose to do while you are at the stadium:

To prefects:
1) Don't talk
2) Don't sumthing sumthing...wasn't really paying attention. Haha!

Prefects to Students:
1) Call them to SHUT UP
2) Call them to pick RUBBISH
3) Call them to fill up empty spaces
4) MAKE SURE they read their story books

Anyways...Form 1 students are much easier to handle...Form 2, a little harder to communicate with, cos somt of them are from Chinese Medium (lihai in mandrin laa...unlike me)