Sunday, July 16, 2006

Frequently asked questions...

Questions asked by people(some):
q: U crazy kah?
a: Maybe, but overall...i'm cool...

q: Theo!! Follow me buy sweets can??!!
a: It's time to go in laa...

q: You're funny...
a: Wow..*speechless*

Questions asked by me before...
q: Pauline!! First u say u own the shop, now u say ur mom owns it??!!
a: Oppss!!

q: (to ashely) How's life?
a: Why the same question??!!

q: (to ashley, mainly) What u doing now?
a: Nothing.

q: (to dylan) What u doing now?
a: Sumthing.
Kay, i've just recieve news that Shun Ming@Wilson is at Penang now, taking nursing courses. Wow...haha...wad r nursing courses? Hehe...well, Arina told me tat. She also say that there might be a 50-50 chance tat I will see him. And if i do, she call me to box him...Yeah!! Still haven't give my casset! I'll kill him if i saw him...hehe..jkjk....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

how come i din hear anything abt SHUN MING ? nursing? shun ming? wat story did Chen come up with now?