Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Who is better? Me or David Beckam??

Haiz....tonite then my dad come home. So many things to do arr...wad to do lehh... Baru come home from football practice...I jadi goalkeeper arr, vs almost all the Form 2 students. Chan din come leh...overselpt I think..haha! Tang Tang and Francisca jadi defender. Cikgu Henry say that the football competition is on the 29th of April. My class position got 12 ehh...1st position belongs to the smart smart one...Put it easy way ten almost all from Methodist. Our class only got about tenstudents from St. Mary. If I've not mistaken, Jeremy got 15, Desmond got 9, Mohd. Ellyas got 22. Hard ehh...lagipun this is the 1st semester. Still got so many plaing teruk subject is PJK only got 62%...the only one got C. Haiya..tomorrow also got football. My trousers, especially, dirty arr...cos the padang is wet, then everyone kick the ball so low, I block use my legs only. Haven't fall down larr....^.^ Francisca got fall. Almost all the form 2 can play. Some of them even accuse us of not knowing the rules. Humph...mereka yang tak tahu hoh...say that defender cannot go so far. They all never play football games before I think. Unlike me, play the PS2 game..Wining Eleven 9 not bad game ehh....nice game. Infact, you can cusomise your player to beat David Beckam. I tried, MU kalah teruk....7-0..Hahah!!! I also call one of my player go tackle David Beckam jatuh. The got penalty kick but tidak masuk. At that time, David Beckam still receiving treatment. Kahkakhakhakah!!!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Just got home from my mother school. Go there to receive sijil only...that sijil from yayasan s'wak chien chien u noe..RM100 only! CNY angpao much more about RM180 I think...haha! I oledi found the Hunter x Hunter and Fullmetal Alchemist songs!! *yeah!!* But the songs only in midi people singing lorr... Haiz! I wan to find the one got lyrics but very hard to find it you noe.. Kahkahkahakhakha!! Nothing to say larr...i think i'm getting sick or sumthing..haa...chu!! All the time..then got stomach ache the middle of the nite...arround 12.43a.m. I noe the time cos I looked at my father tonite go to Kuching many stuff to do arr...busy busy...I have to go to school lo....cis! LAter I wan to shoot sumone...hahahah! Chao!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Today I woke up at 7.00am, just to go for karate lessons at Lanang. Far...need about 15 minutes from IPD to Lanang. Tiring larr...later have to go to school again...cos got kelas gantian. I tugas two times....yesterday and today...sapu the stairs...then after recess sapu again arr.... That 'Tang Tang' lorr..din sapu after recess yesterday. I kasihan her arr...later she tiba tiba jatuh tangga I also dunno. Hehe...she sendiri say that she will sapu today arr...haha...serve her rite for not finishing her Maths correction. Then I think later got Makmal ZNF quiz. That story got mix in with a bit of RPG stuff...quite easy to understand the story. I download so many midi files...all that Mr. Whale's fault. He dunno how to go on9 and search for the songs himself arr...need me to find Fullmetal Alchemist, Hikaru no Go, and Hunter X Hunter. Haha...he find pictures can!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Shoot!! Shoot! Shoot! *BANG BANG BANG!!*

Haiya...hate it! Dunno why my xanga gone oledi...wanna make new wan there, they say cannot...I malas use freewebs cos' it's slow...This wan last time I make oledi...juz malas to put in...tat why I use xanga lorr...evil arr...hehe...olny pao's xanga still standing...haiya! Hehe...yesterday I have to jumpa Puan Annie, cos I dicalonkan pengawas together with four more students from 1K. We all go together lorr...then when sampai in her room lerr..she not in. Have to wait maybe for about 10 minuites, by that time....that 'sardine' sit down on the plastic chair outside...cos only one chair mahh...and then after she seated, then Azah pula sit down...relax kan? When I wan to sit then that Puan Annie come in...haha! All 5 go in lorr..she apologize for her 'kelewatan'...she said that she totally forget about it. So she told us that she is 'kesuntukan masa' and will make the interview simple...hehe...really simple... Today, I have to jaga the canteen back door with Azah cos that's the place where some of the 'students' got in from there...shich there're not suppose to. But that place very nice, very cool...not hot nor cold...