Thursday, March 23, 2006

Shoot!! Shoot! Shoot! *BANG BANG BANG!!*

Haiya...hate it! Dunno why my xanga gone oledi...wanna make new wan there, they say cannot...I malas use freewebs cos' it's slow...This wan last time I make oledi...juz malas to put in...tat why I use xanga lorr...evil arr...hehe...olny pao's xanga still standing...haiya! Hehe...yesterday I have to jumpa Puan Annie, cos I dicalonkan pengawas together with four more students from 1K. We all go together lorr...then when sampai in her room lerr..she not in. Have to wait maybe for about 10 minuites, by that time....that 'sardine' sit down on the plastic chair outside...cos only one chair mahh...and then after she seated, then Azah pula sit down...relax kan? When I wan to sit then that Puan Annie come in...haha! All 5 go in lorr..she apologize for her 'kelewatan'...she said that she totally forget about it. So she told us that she is 'kesuntukan masa' and will make the interview simple...hehe...really simple... Today, I have to jaga the canteen back door with Azah cos that's the place where some of the 'students' got in from there...shich there're not suppose to. But that place very nice, very cool...not hot nor cold...

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