Wednesday, July 26, 2006

New game...

Kay...just came back from PJK. Played badminton lo. Then masa PJK the teacher say we can do anything we want. Yay~~ So, we tried bola tampar use, Pauline likes to jump but can never reach the ball. So, devise new plan. Ashley and I was playing this 'game' first. Using the bola tampar as a 'football'. Well, the volleyball is like cushion. That's why it's more safer to play, not like the FOOTBALL. Then, Ngu Qui Min join first, wit me and Ashley lo. Then comes Pauline and HAnnah. After that leh, accroding to order(agak-agak): Yvonne, Loh Zhe Eng, Ellyisia, Shirley, JOy and another one is from other class, dunno wad name.

Haiya! The ball can really fly! I hit Shirley;s face with the soft volleyball. Yvonne banyak kali kena belasah, then PAuline kena belasah oleh Hannah. Me kena belasah oleh Ashley...short said it's very kelam kabut. Haha...but nice to play! Ellysia belasah the 'EXIT' sign, got reatk a bit oledi. Loh leh, kick the ball flying outside. AShley banyak kali act like monkey. But plaing best is when it's kelam kabut. U dunno where the ball goes. Fly up, hit the walls, lantun back. Hehe...

Monday, July 24, 2006

Comparisons...hate em'... arr...the penyelia petang asked me and sardine and Azah, what class are we from. Say 1K lo. She say leh: 1K last year very quiet, unlike this year. I thought wanna compare classes arr?? Then, sardine say leh: We'll try to be better... Then P.P continue lo: I meant noisy as in they scream alot. We also don't want our students to be so silently dumb. She walked away after that. How dare they main compair compair wan...almost every year, the class i'm sitting in noisy la, cos i'm noisy..haha...that's why i hate comparing. I aslo hate it when they start asking me to compare sumthing...LAme.

Anyways...last Fri, I dun come to skool cos i need to attend this 'raptai' for Perhimpunan Beila sumthing sumthing. Got Taekwando, Wushu, Silat and KArate lo. On Sat leh...real day. Many students come. Methodist arr, got Tung Hua and some other skools...dunno wad are they doing there. When nampak the VIP leh, we start doing wad we're suppose to do lo. Nasib the other lady (KArate too), almost do salah but then pull back. Phew...she's at senior belter too.

Selection for representing S'wak for Seni Mempertahankan Diri 2006 in Penang will be on the third week of August. Skool holiday kah that time? Not sure. THis time Amelia says that if kata got GOLD, she chia me cola. If Kumite got GOLD, chia keropok least got sumthing to hope for. Harap not basi only laa...

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Story request needed...^^

okay...Arina says she very borring and wanted to read story or wadevar. So, i was wondering, wad kind of story??

Hehe, this morning, i hav to wake up at 6.45a.m juz to watch the last episode of Onegai Teacher!...very nice...^.^, too bad it's finish now. Then, at aroung 9.00a.m, I went to Dewan Suarah to do demo for sumone...(dunno whos the sumone, all i noe that he is someone very important, a.k.a VIP.) Yeah, got KArate, Wushu, Taekwando and Silat. Hehe, we also get sumthing to eat.

Really, there's nothing nice to write. That's all

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Dylan the Fisherman (Fiction)

KAy...i really dunno wad to write...juz for fun...(No kaitan with the dead or alive, get it Dylan...i noe ur're reading this)

Once upon a time, there was this guy named Dylan. Kay, he likes to eat sardines, with tomato sauce. (Ya...i mean the fish...) Being a fisherman and the husband of three boys, he juz like to eat. Everyday, he would go to his 'secret pond' juz to eat his sardines, or fish for some.

One NIGHT, he fell asleep beside the lake. (did I mention that he likes sleeping too??) At around 12.00p.m, fireworks were fired! *bang boom wadevar* YEah...fireworks... He thought that World War Two has juz repeated itself. (Haha..he was from dunno wad era..) So, he went back home and told his wife: "Sayang! Quick get up!! War is going on!!" Quickly the wife get her baseball bat and start to attack him because he came back really late. He thought that his own WIFE was on the enemies side. His sons are still sleeping, and he thought that they are DEAD...-.-"

So from that day onwards, he learnt his lesson not to trust anyone else.


I repeat, this story is for fun, and has no kaitan with the DEAD or ALIVE. I stinks...but i'm really bored. Hate to study for KH. (Yeah, Dylan...there are many people name DYLAN in this world, so don't think that i'm writing bout you. ^.^)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Frequently asked questions...

Questions asked by people(some):
q: U crazy kah?
a: Maybe, but overall...i'm cool...

q: Theo!! Follow me buy sweets can??!!
a: It's time to go in laa...

q: You're funny...
a: Wow..*speechless*

Questions asked by me before...
q: Pauline!! First u say u own the shop, now u say ur mom owns it??!!
a: Oppss!!

q: (to ashely) How's life?
a: Why the same question??!!

q: (to ashley, mainly) What u doing now?
a: Nothing.

q: (to dylan) What u doing now?
a: Sumthing.
Kay, i've just recieve news that Shun Ming@Wilson is at Penang now, taking nursing courses. Wow...haha...wad r nursing courses? Hehe...well, Arina told me tat. She also say that there might be a 50-50 chance tat I will see him. And if i do, she call me to box him...Yeah!! Still haven't give my casset! I'll kill him if i saw him...hehe..jkjk....

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Karate classes...

Have to go...if not, I forgot everything later. For karate disipline, I might be representing S'wak to Penang. Yupp, and selections are THIS MONTH!! Very soon...i noe...but Amelia say if I get gold...she chia me Cola...^.^ Jadikannya sebagai dorongan...haha. Cola only hoh...drink la, at least better than nothing. Haaa....skool very busy now, got so many projects to do. Sejarah, Geography, P.Moral (do drama) and summore la...(very sure of it) -.-" Then I have to take care of the dog, a Rottweiler. Still puppy laa...but likes to bite things. He also likes to bite my bro..^.^ Serves him rite...haha!

Okay....wad else? Now masuk bulan July oledi...baru last week got Prefects Meeting. Topic is: 'Prefects are GETTING WORSE every year. Why?'. Yeah...why? Dunno, this is my first they focus more on the Form 2 prefects. Stuff bout, what are you suppose to do while you are at the stadium:

To prefects:
1) Don't talk
2) Don't sumthing sumthing...wasn't really paying attention. Haha!

Prefects to Students:
1) Call them to SHUT UP
2) Call them to pick RUBBISH
3) Call them to fill up empty spaces
4) MAKE SURE they read their story books

Anyways...Form 1 students are much easier to handle...Form 2, a little harder to communicate with, cos somt of them are from Chinese Medium (lihai in mandrin laa...unlike me)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Chicken Menu 2...the quarelling...

N- narrator D- waiter Ho- restaurant manager I- VIP Henry- sweeper J- Alex's manager A- Hip Hop Star T and P- fan/customer
I: That sweeper is going to be in big trouble. I am going to ask the hip-hop star to find him.
J: Hm..
I: I am going to....
J: Ah...
I: Do you hear what I just said?
J: O...
I: Why you hm, ah, o? WHY?? What kind of sickness do you have? Just answer me properly. I can't wait any longer! Lets
go to the cow shop!
A: Yo, that shop have cow flu, man!
J: Yes, thats right

After fifteen minutes...
I: (hitting the table, strongly and angrily) Let's get out of here!
A: Yo, lets go.
D: Hey, wait! Please wait for a moment.
Ho: Can I help you s.....(screaming) Ah! It's Alex! Can I have your autograph please...
A: There.
Ho: Thank you!

When Ho was discussing with the hip-hop star, two customers went into the restaurant.

PnT: WAH!!!!!! (screammingloudly)
T: Can we have your autograph please...
A: Here you go.
I: DO you want mine?
P: Who are you? I don't want your autograph. I don't even know you.
N: After that, the manager and the hip-hop starj ran away because of thse crazy ladies chasing them. After that, the
ladies came back, exhausted.
D: What would you like to weat?
T: Maybe I'll like the lamb chop please?
P: I'll like chicken rice. (say it fast) I don't want it to be cooked or served fired, I want it to washed with water or boiled
with fresh rice from Thailand, Kampuchea or whatever.
D: Alright.
P: Hey, have you ehard of his new album?
T: Who?
A: Alex, the hip-hop star. He is very famous especially for his glasses.
T: Excuse me sir, come here. Why are you so tall?? DO you eat rice and drink milk everyday?
D: Not only that, it also takes beef, chicken, steak, chicken chop, chicken rice, laksa, kari, ice lemon tea, Milo, chcolate,
cake, chocolate cake, vanilla, starberry and all the flavour for the cake in one day all mixed up and I become tall.

T: Let's play snapping while waiting for the food. Snap it, like this. Snap it. You know, snapping...
P: I'm snapping.
T: Snap it. Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo,yo.........
P: If you yo once more, I'm going to yo you!
T: Hey, waiter! Can you get me a glass of water?
D: What water? Drain water? Toilet water, boiled water? Mineral water? Undergroud water?
T: Any water will do.
D: Toilet water?
T: No, any water.
D: Okay, toilet water.
T: Call your boss here right now!
P: Boss!!!!!
Ho: Can I help you?

N: They were surprised that the waiter is taller than the boss.
P: Who is this?
D: My maid.
Ho: WHat maid?
D: Mermaid.
Ho: Mermaid you!
T: YOu have such a horrible, terrible and vegetable waiter!! (scream)
D: Do you want to order vegetables? What type of vegetables do you want?
Ho: Keep quiet! Or your fired!
D: What fired,
Ho: If you say another word, I'll fire you.
D: Alright
Ho: You are fired!

Henry hit Ho's leg and fight again

Ho: You're in big trouble....if you do that agaiN!

Henry hit Ho's leg again.

Ho: How dare you hit my leg??!!
D: You are fired...... (whispering)
Ho: How dare you hit my leg!!!
I: No, no....(whispering)
D: You are fired....(whipering)
Ho: You are FIRED!!!
D: Standard line, never changes.
I: My money!!

Henry: What!!! (try to break broom butcannot)

Alex from outside came in , then Ho, Pauline and Theo run out and chase them

The end!!
Very messy, i noe...Soarry...Hehe...

Monday, June 12, 2006

P. Moral Project....

....and I screw it UP!! Have to go to Kuching on the last minute...feel so I hav to bertungkus-lumus catch up... Now I hav no idea how to do the Pendahuluan and Objektif....if anything go wrong my fault lo... Haaaa!!! Feel really guilty!! I started doing the best I can to finish it while playing with Sabre (dog). Anyways...since I don't noe wad to do at KCH, i eventually started to play running games wif my skinny cousin, chen kai (Stella, which means very skinny chicken) and her fat sister, hard to sleep. Everywhere sakit...because I found out strategy to defeat her speed!! (since she is skinny, her speed can kalahkan Michael Shoe Makers's F1) Last time me and my older cousin have to o ambush...hhaha!! The secret have to run everywhere...including jumping over doggy dung and running zig zag near the dog. And...I juz found out that, her 'best friend' lives very near to her house. From her bedroom window, you can see her (best fwen) house!!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Things I Did During The Hols...

During the tv from 7.00am to 9.00am (in order-Ran The Samurai Gal, Wolf's Rain, Get Backers, Dectective School Q (note that each show is 30 minutes)) Then, if i have nothing to do, go and play PS2. If on Friday, after watching tv I go sweep the floor...

During the is holiday rite...belajar masak from mom...(got one time hangus (bawang...)), then eat lunch and maybe sleep?

Night dinner and watch tv. Then sleep. That's all during the night time...nothing else.


Everything up there is true...cos i have nothing which is not true to write...hehe... Anyways...I would like to wish all who's bday is on June a Happy Brithday...'s dead boring here...going to chat..chao!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

What type of person is drawn to you? (Amazing anime pics!)

Understanding: You two will probably know that you were meant to be from the moment you meet each other. They understand you and will be kind out of heart without wishing anything in return. They love to see you happy. You are probably a lot like them too! Even though they may not be the hottest of the bunch, they are openminded and love everything about you and that's what matters! Count on this person to always be there for you and trully love you for the person you are. Try not to get too carried away in your own world though. You two are all about the meaning in everything. This person is drawn to you by your acceptance, kindness, and emotional will towards all people. This person will want to spend the rest of thier lives with you and live thier life to the fullest with you by thier side.
Take this quiz!


Make A Quiz More Quizzes Grab Code

Hehe...can eat gud food today. Went to church...sang Latin's juz like singing Japanese...only easier...Then, went to library to return book and get new book...^.^ Yesterday, my mom, bro and I went to this Royal London Circus...(long name) Free of charge...cos dad got invitation..^.^ Got lots of shows laa...This is my second time oledi...really don't know what i'm typing here...juz bored so type lo. Haha...wasting time. Today also got go rain a bit. Thunder also too...for a short period of bro keep on kicking realy mad, then kick back. (simple thing called give and take) Haiz...really bORING!! Kan good if pao on9 this time...a bit early...hehe.
Birthdays on June:
4th : Mine
5th : Jason's (fido dido)
6th : Grandfather's (father side)
8th : Uncle and Desmond
9th : PeI YeE!!
10th: My fwen's mom bday
Then I dunno liaw...hehhe..Dylan says that he's going to give me, Desomond and Pei Yee bday pressent arr...hehe...

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


PerfecT!! I oledi have the PS2 in my grasp...yesss!! Now I can it anytime I wan...MuahahahahH!! Keep on playing .hack Part 4: Quarintine. Can raise 1/2 pig and 1/2 horse...then can kill mutated trees and so on. I'm playing as this guy, Leonard(I create the name), accually I wanna put Lean at first, but the person I'm using is a GUY...putting a name like
that doesn't suit him at all... HAaaa....siaw...playing the saame game over and over again seems boring. Then I switch to Tenchu: Warth or Heaven...I alrady pass 3 fourth one, you have to defeat spirits...and the worst thing is that: your normal weapon cannot harm the undead. How hard is that? Well...some of them can spit fire...some can see farther than humans...and some can even ching chang you lahh....Very hard. Have to go to some cemetery just to help my boss: Lord Gohda to get his Yoto Swords.... Why can't he juz call me to slay the onethat is threatening him! No brains...haha...

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Yay~ Holidays is here!! WooHOOO!!!

Yessss!! Holidays is here...tomolo laa..hehhe...can't wait to get the PS2 back...really wanna play it over and over again. Then go like mad...and...have fun laa...

Gemini (Air Sign)(22 May - 21 June)
The sign of the twins. Gemini's are usually bright and quick witted, the old adage of two heads being better than one ?. They do enjoy making use of their intellectual talent, be that at work or play and most have either a creative streak or an interest in the arts, but their eagerness to complete more than one task at a time means that nothing gets done.

Ooooo....i'm really not sure bout' that one....haha!! Almost everything is true there....mungkin true ohhh....har har! Only I know about dumex's secret, kinda hard to keep it, but have to keep my word....'Dun tell ANYONE!!' Very hard to follow that prinsip but...if I break it...bencana will WAY I want that to happen!! Then...if bencana more PS2 gone...ish!! NO WAY!! BANTAH 100% ++

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Parents' day...

On 27th May is parents day....I don't even know that such day exsits! Ooohh...ketinggalan zaman... So...Girls Brigade got do some persembahan for parents laa...i'm in it is Chan and Keldi (they one group wif me) Some do singing, others do dancing and so on... All dedicate to parents... So....our group (Chan, me and Keldi) did singing...we wanted to do 'Wake Me Up When Septermber Ends' by Green Day, cos Chan is a no. 1 fan for them...I hardly noe them though...hahah... Then...I told Chan that our other group member (Janice) cannot come for the persembahan. So, on Thursday, we changed the song to 'Wind' by Akeboshi...yupp...from Naruto...hahaha...quite fun while performing it...cos' i'm sitting and Chan and Keldi were standing and singing with me...^.^ All the gals that watch Naruto knew it was Naruto this song has a very nice meaning and melody. Best of's way better then 'Wake Me Up When September Ends' 'cos it's more lively than the other one. Wake Me Up..bla bla bla...was very boring and it felt like dying...har har har.... Not bad laa...received quite a clap at the FUN!! I saw Ruth's head (my senior) peeping out from her seat...hahhah!! Then when all is finished, all went outside to eat!! Yay~~ we get to eat too!! ^.^ Very nice...mmmm..taste's gudd!! But, sadly, Chan and Keldi are leaving Girls Brigade and are going to join, it's like a farewell party...anyways, were still fwens and there is still Janice in there...hopefully she doesn't leaves me too... I really don't understand Mandrin, well, only a bit...haha...really need a translator...but no need to bayar gaji laa...hehe...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Let's Get Things Started!

Okay....last Sarturday I went for this Karate Tournament at the dojo, near Regent Hotel. We vs. with SMK Jalan Oya....then got, SMK Chung Hua and SMK Tiong Hin. See!! SMK Methodist still not in!! Haiya! Don't believe it! Anyways....I got three Gold...ooohhh....yeah...three! One for basic (Kehon), another for Kata Open and the last one is for Kumite 16 and below.....yeah....I'm the youngest there....hehehhee...pangkat pun tinggi jugak....har har har... The Kumite one rite....sial arr....after 2nd round my leg (near the ankle) start to bengkak man!! ShooT!! Susah to walk arr...paling teruk all the guys start to come up and see wad of them fanning me, siaw....not to mention I....haiz...nvm... So, they sambung the match for tomolo.....When tomolo oledi lehh....(Sunday) after go to church have to go to Karate again, for the finals and semi-finals....then make it to the finals with an ankle strap....hehee...lucky me,...vs Oya u noe....she lihai in kicks.....i juz block and hand 2 hand combat.... So...for was quite easy....the scores were 6-2. Hehe...I noe.... Lucky rite? Then the next day, was BM2 test....shoot! I forgot to study u time! Because in the morning I was busy playing '.hack Quarantine Part 4'...nice game that one....ooohhhh...cannot stop playing!! RPG game laaa...hehhee....When the test almost began, I read through only for the tema and persoalan part.... I was really hoping that the tema and persoalan come out...and IT DID!! Yay~ So lucky...but when the 3rd and 4th persoalan, I suddenly went blank...I don't even know what crap I wrote in there...hehehhee...As long it fills the page, it's good to go.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Pauline's Bad Luck Day..

Yesterday, it was raining very heavily...before that, I accidently dropped Pauline's water bottle, which made all the water spill out. Yup. All that Science reference book's fault. She knew it was me, so she stared at me like a...ummm....very hard to say laa... Then, all our classmates atart to say taht she juz...u noe wad la...So, I started running downstairs with Tang Tang just to get a mop. Then got up again, we saw our Sejarah teacher, Cikgu Ibrahim. Then, I mop lo...the teacher still at the stairs. (The footsteps very load mahh...can hear lo) After finish mopping, I dragged Tang Tang with me to go put the mop. Then rushed back upstarirs just to see the teacher teaching. Hehe....I told Pauline that I will help her go and fill her water bottle with water again. At the same time it was raining very heavily. I used shortcut, the one that the guys use...hehe.... When we got there, we have to cue up lo...luckily I saw Tom (former classmate) I called him to give up go at it first. Ladies first mahh... I told him. He dun wan we wait. Haiz... She have to for her Science Quiz, the one from Austrailia.

After she go for it lehh....Pauline came back....crying. That Desmond call me to pujuk her hard u noe. then the teacher come, asked her wad happened. They were all speaking in mandrin, to me it is hard to understand. after they finished bincang, I went to sit beside her, because that is where i'm sitting. I ask her lo, about wad happened. She said that, she cannot take the test because Alex wouldn't let her. The Science teacher forgot to tanda Alex's name, and she asked Alex to pick whether he wants Pauline or him to take the test. He said he wanted so, Pauline have to go back to class and study with us lo. Like that laa...She also told me, "I will NEVER forgive him!!"

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

True Friends...

Sweet words are easy to say,
Sweet things are easy to buy, but
Sweet people are difficult to find.

Life ends when U stop dreaming
Hope ends when U stop believing
Love ends when U stop caring
Friendship ends when U stop sharing

To love without condition
To talk without intention
To give without reason and
To care without expectation is

The heart of a truefriend~~

--------------------------------------------------'s almost true eh? Hehe...juz came back from PJK. Go Bleep Test, neh...the one that u have to run 20 metres front and back...I ran until 5.5....not bad rite?? Hehehe...Must presevere until u have no breath...that's what I do and I think that it is true (for me). Really hard to breathe when reach level 5 oledi. Desmond only sampai 5 sumthing...but I noe I beat him laa...haha!! That guy tall beat by sumone shorter than him! HAha...memalukan...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


My bro wanna play football with me at home. So I agree lo. I take the ball and 'tambah angin' in it. Then I say, since our house livin' room is quite small, I change the rules a bit. Now it's like Forward vs. Goalkeeper. Take turns la. Played for one hour. He everytime tak puas hati arr...when my score reach 40-21 he marah me and say that we start again. So play again la. Then, I say almost time to stop oledi. Masa tuu...the score is tied, 11-11. He told me that first person scores win. I say no. One person gets one turn to try and score. I goalkeeper I use hands la. He say I cheated you noe! So, when it's my turn to shoot, the ball went in. Which makes the score now 12-11. Win la kan? He told me that I hit the rubbish bin fall down, is out! Haiz...the rubbish bin walked i think. if not why tiba-tiba so close at our pitch? Quarrel quarrel lo. I say: WhahahH....not admitting. HE say: NO!! You play cheat! It went on until I juz say I wanna go bath first. Then he also wanna main rebut the bathroom also. Sheesh...of cos I got in first. He so fat and far. I'm oledi in the bathroom. Our house got two bathroom hoh...he dun wan to use tat... dunno why. Hehe...

Din go for karate last week. Have to go the Hari Bermuafakatan of Parents-Teachers Day. Haiya...parents wajib datang mahh....juz to get the report card. I go at 9.00am, just after finish watching anime at the tv. The sejarah teacher say to my mom: Your her mom? Ummm...your daughter very alert, gives a good reponse, concertrates well in my class...and bla bla bla la... Then, he even told my mom that all the studets in 1K have potensi become lawyer when they grow up.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Stoopid Pembetangan....

On Thursday, our group (Ho, Azah, Bernardine, Mabel, Pauline and I) have to do a pembetangan. Title of it is, "Kenapa Perempuan Mendapat Keputusan Cemerlang Yang Lebih Daripada Lelaki?" Even before starting, all the guys start to "boo! boo! BOO!!" When we finished lerr...they all start to ask questions like..."Kenapa lelaki kamu kata lelaki" bla bla bla and summore stoopid ques... Then dunno why...the teacher go out, and our debate is still on! People stared screaming and shouting and banging the tables..Very uncontrolable...until our penyelia petang came in with the rotan and ask why the class so noisy and all. All just went quiet. Very quiet....then our KH teacher also there cos after BM is embarrasing larr that time...Heheh....

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Who is better? Me or David Beckam??

Haiz....tonite then my dad come home. So many things to do arr...wad to do lehh... Baru come home from football practice...I jadi goalkeeper arr, vs almost all the Form 2 students. Chan din come leh...overselpt I think..haha! Tang Tang and Francisca jadi defender. Cikgu Henry say that the football competition is on the 29th of April. My class position got 12 ehh...1st position belongs to the smart smart one...Put it easy way ten almost all from Methodist. Our class only got about tenstudents from St. Mary. If I've not mistaken, Jeremy got 15, Desmond got 9, Mohd. Ellyas got 22. Hard ehh...lagipun this is the 1st semester. Still got so many plaing teruk subject is PJK only got 62%...the only one got C. Haiya..tomorrow also got football. My trousers, especially, dirty arr...cos the padang is wet, then everyone kick the ball so low, I block use my legs only. Haven't fall down larr....^.^ Francisca got fall. Almost all the form 2 can play. Some of them even accuse us of not knowing the rules. Humph...mereka yang tak tahu hoh...say that defender cannot go so far. They all never play football games before I think. Unlike me, play the PS2 game..Wining Eleven 9 not bad game ehh....nice game. Infact, you can cusomise your player to beat David Beckam. I tried, MU kalah teruk....7-0..Hahah!!! I also call one of my player go tackle David Beckam jatuh. The got penalty kick but tidak masuk. At that time, David Beckam still receiving treatment. Kahkakhakhakah!!!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Just got home from my mother school. Go there to receive sijil only...that sijil from yayasan s'wak chien chien u noe..RM100 only! CNY angpao much more about RM180 I think...haha! I oledi found the Hunter x Hunter and Fullmetal Alchemist songs!! *yeah!!* But the songs only in midi people singing lorr... Haiz! I wan to find the one got lyrics but very hard to find it you noe.. Kahkahkahakhakha!! Nothing to say larr...i think i'm getting sick or sumthing..haa...chu!! All the time..then got stomach ache the middle of the nite...arround 12.43a.m. I noe the time cos I looked at my father tonite go to Kuching many stuff to do arr...busy busy...I have to go to school lo....cis! LAter I wan to shoot sumone...hahahah! Chao!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Today I woke up at 7.00am, just to go for karate lessons at Lanang. Far...need about 15 minutes from IPD to Lanang. Tiring larr...later have to go to school again...cos got kelas gantian. I tugas two times....yesterday and today...sapu the stairs...then after recess sapu again arr.... That 'Tang Tang' lorr..din sapu after recess yesterday. I kasihan her arr...later she tiba tiba jatuh tangga I also dunno. Hehe...she sendiri say that she will sapu today arr...haha...serve her rite for not finishing her Maths correction. Then I think later got Makmal ZNF quiz. That story got mix in with a bit of RPG stuff...quite easy to understand the story. I download so many midi files...all that Mr. Whale's fault. He dunno how to go on9 and search for the songs himself arr...need me to find Fullmetal Alchemist, Hikaru no Go, and Hunter X Hunter. Haha...he find pictures can!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Shoot!! Shoot! Shoot! *BANG BANG BANG!!*

Haiya...hate it! Dunno why my xanga gone oledi...wanna make new wan there, they say cannot...I malas use freewebs cos' it's slow...This wan last time I make oledi...juz malas to put in...tat why I use xanga lorr...evil arr...hehe...olny pao's xanga still standing...haiya! Hehe...yesterday I have to jumpa Puan Annie, cos I dicalonkan pengawas together with four more students from 1K. We all go together lorr...then when sampai in her room lerr..she not in. Have to wait maybe for about 10 minuites, by that time....that 'sardine' sit down on the plastic chair outside...cos only one chair mahh...and then after she seated, then Azah pula sit down...relax kan? When I wan to sit then that Puan Annie come in...haha! All 5 go in lorr..she apologize for her 'kelewatan'...she said that she totally forget about it. So she told us that she is 'kesuntukan masa' and will make the interview simple...hehe...really simple... Today, I have to jaga the canteen back door with Azah cos that's the place where some of the 'students' got in from there...shich there're not suppose to. But that place very nice, very cool...not hot nor cold...